Morris & Co
Morris & Co wallpaper designs taken from William Morris wallpaper archives are unequivocally some of the most well-known patterns in the world. Our tendency to long for vintage pieces in our homes, and the increasingly popular “cottage core” trend, has caused a resurgence of retro inspired interior design. Created using a refreshing compilation of archive wallpaper prints and rejuvenated designs, the wallpapers by Morris & Co are a captivating collection of classic designs, suitable for all areas of the interior.
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William Morris Wallpaper Collections for Morris & Co
William Morris founded Morris & Co in 1861, with the vision of creating ‘art for all’ and has been successful in doing so for over 150 years. A magnet for maximalists, Morris & Co wallpaper and fabric prints offers a delightful combination of vibrant, bold prints paired with subdued designs that lend well to each other to complete the look. Featuring iconic designs by William Morris, J.H Dearle and Morris’ daughter May, you can expect firm favourites such as Pimpernel, Golden Lily and Strawberry Thief, printed with gravure and block print finishes to retain the classic feel of these vintage wallpaper designs.
Inspired by the Arts & Crafts Movement, nothing quite compares to the stunning and iconic designs within the Morris & Co collections. We also offer the full range of Morris & Co fabrics, please phone or email for details.